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At the start of the year I set out to launch a new #RC2014 product every month. I didn't get one out in November, so only 11 so far.

If the last 2 days of solgging away at #KiCad pays off then I might just get the 12th one in before the year ends. Crossing my fingers I haven't done anything stupid, bit it's all in the hands of JLCPCB now.

While I wait to get the boards back, I might just have time for some other fun projects this weekend.

JLCPCB seem to be copying the budget airline approach with random extra fees and the like; but I guess they now also send you some x-rays of your boards once they've come out of production.

Here's one of our new prototype My Bike's Got LED boards, now en route to us 😀

Kamarád mě poprosil o PWM kontroler na ventilátory do racku, který bude schopný se připojit k #HomeAssistant.
Koncept by byl. Otestoval jsem připojení k HA a základní výstup ovládání. Ještě mi zbývá vyzkoušet zapojení na nepájivém poli a pokud to bude fungovat, tak objednat tišťák. Samozřejmě k tomu ve finále přibude i nějaká krabička 🙂

Spy! Break! Inject!

I designed a wee circuit board to scratch an itch. Insert this circuit board inline with a 4-wire bus and you can spy on, break into and inject signals. It’s a purpose built breadboard for reverse engineering.

I’m pretty sure I spent longer on the silkscreen design than on the circuit layout itself. It’s released as open hardware in case anyone else finds it useful.

وقتی میگوییم #نرم‌افزار_آزاد بیشتر به یاد نرم‌افزارهای مرتبط با #برنامه‌نویسی مثل :vim: و نرم‌افزارهای عمومی مثل :gnome: میافتیم. ولی لازم میدانم تشکر کنم از کسانیکه زمان باارزش خود را میگذارند تا برای رشته‌های تخصصی مختلف نرم‌افزار آزاد بنویسند تا آنها اسیر برنامه‌های انحصاری برای تخصص خود نشوند. سپاس!
#freecad #librecad #inkscape #krita #kicad #solvespace #openfoam

Spent the evening levelling up my #FreeCAD skills to model a stereo pot, including forays into shapebinders and the drafting workbench to create an array of parts.

Slightly disappointed that the final step needed to export it to #Kicad merged all the bodies to a single one and so discarded all the different materials/colours I'd carefully constructed beforehand 🤣

Not sure I like screw terminals, but probably cheapest option for this (LED strip controller).

I think the #KiCAD export tool has changed how it sends parts co-ordinates to the export for #JLCPCB. Driving me round the bend.